Our Services

Enterprise Bulk Diesel (COD Available)
Up to 40,000ℓ per load
Micro Diesel (COD Available)
From 1,000ℓ
Smarttrek Solutions is a leading provider of Business and Enterprise level fuel supply. We work with businesses of all sizes to provide them with the fuel they need to power their operations.
As a regional energy company headquartered in South Africa and registered and licensed with the Department of Energy to trade in wholesale Petroleum products, we offer an established range of competitive products.
Applying our African trading expertise Smarttrek engineered the collaboration of multiple buyers and manages the supply and acquisition Nationally and Internationally.
While Smarttrek does business using standardised methods and processes, we believe that each project, particularly in African markets, is best harnessed with unstructured processes.
This effort and personalised method is what sets us apart.